Home India News One girl killed as quake hits parts of Rajasthan

One girl killed as quake hits parts of Rajasthan

Jaipur : An eight-year-old girl was killed and seven children were injured as a temporary shed made of sandstone slabs crumbled in Rajasthan’s Bharatpur district as a mild earthquake hit parts of Rajasthan on Sunday.

“All these children were playing inside a temporary shed in Nadbai in Bharatpur district when it suddenly collapsed. Initial investigation hints that the structure made of stones crumbled due to earthquake,” Shaukat Ali, sub divisional officer of Nadbai, told IANS on phone.

“One girl about eight years of age died while at least seven in the range of 5-11 years were injured,” he added.

Mild tremors were felt in Jaipur, Bharatpur and Ajmer among a few districts of the state.

“Everything around me started to shake at 12.42 p.m. and as I tried to rush from my house, it stopped. Then after a few minutes again, I felt mild tremors,” said R.K. Singh, a resident of Vaisahali Nagar here.

“I was lying on bed and suddenly it started to shake. Initially, I did not realise what was happening. But soon realised it was a quake and I rushed out from my house,” said Arvind Sharma, a resident of Tilak Nagar area.

Tremors were felt most by people living in high-rise building. They were the first to come out of their apartments and rush outside in open spaces.

“We have got over 30 flats in our building and suddenly I saw everyone running out of their houses after tremors were felt,” said Monu, a resident who lives on 6th floor of a building near Banipark area in the city.

Small cracks developed in some of the buildings.