Home India News India values its relationship with Mongolia: President

India values its relationship with Mongolia: President

New Delhi: President Pranab Mukherjee on Friday greeted the people of Mongolia and its government on the eve of their National Day, saying India valued its relationship with the country.

In his message to Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj, President Mukherjee said India valued and cherished its relationship with Mongolia which was “anchored in our shared historical and spiritual linkages”.

“I am confident that the elevation of our relations to that of a strategic partnership during the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Mongolia will herald a new era of co-operation and partnership between our two countries and strengthen the bonds of friendship between our two peoples,” he said.

Stating that this year marked the 25th year of democracy in Mongolia and the “60th anniversary of our diplomatic relations”, the president said: “I am positive that our engagement, as fellow democracies inspired by the ideals of Buddhism, will contribute to the socio-economic progress and prosperity of our two nations.”

“Please accept, Excellency, my best wishes for your health and well-being as well as for the progress and prosperity of the friendly people of Mongolia,” he added.

Mongolia’s National Day marks independence of the land-locked nation in east-central Asia from Chinese rule in 1921.