By Staff Reporter,
Mumbai: It is a double whammy for the almost 12-14 % of Muslim population in Maharashtra. After a complete ban on beef, even carrying it will invite fine, the state government showed its anti-Muslim face yet again. The BJP-Shiv Sena government has cancelled the earlier GR about Muslim reservation without putting in place a new one with suitable provisions.
After the 2014 ordinance to this effect lapsed – in absence of a law passed by the assembly – the government as a procedure is supposed to cancel the ordinance with a fresh government resolution (GR). Late on Tuesday, March 2, the government issued the new GR thereby cancelling the July 2014 ordinance.

Muslims protest in Aurangabad (Maha) against BJP government’s decision of leaving out reservation to Muslims (file photo) (Photo courtesy : UrduTimes)
“The government, if it wanted, could have brought in a new ordinance giving 5% reservation to Muslims in educational institutions. This was cleared by the court as constitutionally valid unlike the reservation in government jobs,” said an official.
“But apparently, the government does not want to go ahead with it,” the official said, adding, “The simple reason is: it is said that the court just held that this (5% provision in educational institutions) is constitutionally valid. This is not binding on the government. So the government first allowed the ordinance to lapse and now, when it could have, not issue a new one.”
The government had tabled only the Maratha Reservation Bill in the assembly during its winter session. This was cleared – 16 % for Marathas – as none of the major political parties were against reservation to this politically dominant community.
However, the government had not then tabled a similar bill seeking 5% reservation to Muslims in educational institutions in order to avoid lapse of ordinance. The ordinance was brought in by the earlier Congress-NCP government in July 2014 ahead of the elections in October 2014 and clearly with a view on the vote banks. Various organisations had challenged the ordinance in the Bombay High Court. The court had stayed the 16% reservations for Marathas. But it put on hold the 5% quota for Muslims for employment in government jobs.
The ordinance had then lapsed in end December 2014 drawing lot of criticism and protest from across the state. Various Muslim organisations were aggrieved with what they termed as government’s biased approach towards their community.
Muslims have been demanding reservations in view of the recommendations made by Justice Rangnath Misra Commission and Sachar Committee. These committees had demanding that the reservation be given to Muslims in education, employment as well as legislature in view of the socially backward stature of the community.
No reservation for Muslims as Maha BJP passes reservation bill only for Marathas
Disappointed with denial of reservation in Maharashtra, Muslim groups mull legal options