Home India News Anna Hazare wants agri panel to look into farmers’ issues

Anna Hazare wants agri panel to look into farmers’ issues

Guwahati : Social activist Anna Hazare on Friday said there should be agriculture commissions across the country to look into all the issues concerning the farming community.

Hazare was speaking at the fourth annual convention of Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) in Assam’s Dibrugarh district.

“The BJP has promised ‘achche din’ (good days) ahead of the (general) elections. However, ‘achche din’ has come only for the capitalists and industrialists. The Narendra Modi led government at the centre has not done anything for the benefit of the common people after forming the government,” said Hazare.

He said there should be agriculture commissions across India to look into all the issues related the farming community.

The social activist, who arrived in Assam on Thursday to participate in the convention of the KMSS led by farmer leader and RTI activist Akhil Gogoi, also slammed the central government over the land acquisition bill.

He said the farmers will be worst affected due to the bill.

“Earlier, consent of 80 percent of the villagers were mandatory for acquiring lands. However, this was reduced making it easier for the administration to take any land from the farmer on the pretext of development projects,” he said.

Hazare also vowed to start a massive jail bharo programme to oppose the land acquisition bill.

The KMSS, a prominent farmers’ body in Assam, has decided to form a political party to change system in the state.

KMSS leader Gogoi said: “The KMSS with its allied organisation will form a political party to change the system. The objective behind forming the political party is not merely to contest elections but to change the system of electoral politics through mass movement.”

The political party is named Ganamukti Sangram, Assam, he said.