Home India Politics President’s Rule in Arunachal travesty of mandate: Congress

President’s Rule in Arunachal travesty of mandate: Congress

New Delhi: The Congress on Sunday said the central government’s decision to impose President’s Rule in Arunachal Pradesh reflects a “travesty of Constitutional mandate, subjugation of federalism and trampling of democracy”.

The union cabinet on Sunday recommended imposition of President’s Rule in the northeastern state.

“Modi-ji’s double speak of respect for federalism and states being equal part of ‘Team India’ stands exposed,” said Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala.

“It also shows a scant disregard of the Supreme Court by the Modi government, particularly when the entire issue of BJP-engineered coercive defections is being heard by a constitution bench (of the Supreme Court),” he added.

Surjewala said the Congress would decisively fight “undermining of elected mandate by autocratic attempts of the government”.

Party leader Kapil Sibal, meanwhile, said the Congress would challenge the imposition of President’s Rule in the state.

“They are trying to bypass a matter which is sub-judice and we’ll challenge the imposition of President’s Rule,” Sibal said.

“This is a wrong decision taken by the government. At one end, the governor through his actions has already embarrassed himself and now its seems even the government wants to embarrass itself with this decision.

“This is an unfortunate political step of the government,” he added.

“This government knows it very well that they don’t have majority in the Rajya Sabha and that this particular recommendation can never pass because it is politically motivated.

“But they still want to destabilise a border state, whose border is with China. They want to create instability in that state. This is the political wisdom that this government has,” Sibal said.

“This is an act of political intolerance. This is also their idea of cooperative federalism. Instead of trying to strengthen a border state, they are destabilising it,” he added.

“There is evidence of the fact that they tried to manipulate a majority in Arunachal Pradesh by supporting the dissidents and there is a tape-recording to the effect that the dissidents were actually wanting money.

“While the matter is pending in the Supreme COurt, they must have realised what if the matter goes against them. So it’s better to intervene and try and manipulate the majority in yet another way. This decision is going to cost them heavily,” Sibal said.