Home Indian Muslim Delhi Metro employee assaulted on duty by mob in Delhi for being...

Delhi Metro employee assaulted on duty by mob in Delhi for being a Muslim

By TwoCircles.net Staff Reporter

In yet another attack on members of the marginalised communities, a mob attacked a Muslim guy named Iftikhar Alam on July 7 when he was on duty.

Iftikhar Alam is a 22-year-old who works with the Delhi metro as mechanical helper. He was on his night duty in Sarai Kalekhan on the night of July 7.

He was called to do some regular chores but he couldn’t reach the spot because of heavy rain. Unable to move forward, he decided to come back to the station. A driver from the Delhi metro was accompanying him in a service vehicle.

While they were on their way back, Iftikhar had to step down from the vehicle to move away a car misparked on the road.

As soon he stepped down from the vehicle, a mob of 15-20 men armed with sticks and hockey bats surrounded Iftikhar and started beating him without any words exchanged.

Iftikhar’s elder brother Ehsan Alam told TwoCircles.net, “First they didn’t tell him anything and started beating him. When he tried to tell them his name and identity, they intensified the beating.”

“While they were beating him, he was being constantly called as ‘Pakistani’ and ‘Deshdrohi’,” added Ehsan Alam.

The mob didn’t only beat Iftikhar, but tied him to a pole to assault him further. After beating him ruthlessly, the mob called the police and handed Iftikhar to Police as a Buffalo thief.

Police allegedly delayed the treatment, and harassed Iftikhar to tell people that he was injured because of falling at work place.

Ehsan Alam told TwoCircles.net, “Police didn’t want to register FIR in the case, they were just running on a mere complaint.”

But FIR in the case was filed on July 10, after continuous pressure was put through SIO and local media.

Ehsan Alam said, “There is no explanation why they did this to him. They were abusing him, they labeled him as Buffalo thief. But what was the reason behind his life threatening beating, we are trying to figure out.”

However, Iftikhar’s condition is improving and he is likely to discharge from the hospital on July 11. There has been no arrest made in the case yet.