Home Indian Muslim Campus Front of India organises seminar on reclaiming the constitution

Campus Front of India organises seminar on reclaiming the constitution

By TCN News

New Delhi: Campus Front of India organized a seminar on “Reclaiming the Constitution: Religious freedom, Secularism and Democracy” at Indian International Centre, New Delhi​ on Saturday, November 25.​

Senior Supreme Court Advocate Dushyant Dave inaugurated the programme and expressed his reservation on the topic​. He ​said​,​ ​”I​nstead of reclaiming the constitution we should reaffirm the Constitution.​”​

“​W​e are witnessing the downfall of the constitutional morality in the recent decades. ​F​ew decades back judges were honest towards constitution but in the recent period there has been erosion of those values within the lawyer’s community also,” he said.

Dr. Ghazala Jamil indicated towards the politics in the definition of minority in Indian constitution. She mentioned the recent conspiracies in the Indic and Non-indic religions wherein Muslims and Christians are being considered as cultural outsiders.

Umar Khalid​, the student activist from Jawaharlal Nehru University, said, ​”W​hosoever is raising voice are being threatened or silenced​,” by citing the mysterious death of justice Loya.​

P V Shuhaib, ​n​ational ​p​resident ​at ​Campus Front of India​, said ​in his concluding remark that despite of many discussion on religious freedom the issue of Hadiya is not getting due attention.

He said that Hadiya is going through house arrest because she has willingly converted from Akhila to Hadiya. Further, he added that mainstream civil society and feminist activists are maintaining conspicuous silence on this very important issue.