Home International Russia Saved S.Ossetia, President

Russia Saved S.Ossetia, President

By Prensa Latina,

Moscow : Eduard Kokoity, president of the self-proclaimed independent Republic of South Ossetia, stated Monday that Russia saved the Ossetian people from total destruction by intervening against Georgian aggression.

After welcoming Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov, the statesman said that the recognition to independence is a guarantee to peace and security in the region, shaken by conflicts in Tiflis since the 90s.

Moscow recognized sovereignty of South Ossetia and Abkhazia on August 26, after a colossal peacekeeping operation on Georgia.

In the first statements to press from Tsinvali, Lavrov reiterated Russia’s willingness to foster bilateral diplomatic relations and the signing of an accord of friendship, cooperation and mutual support.

On the first visit to that republic, separated from Georgia since 1992, Lavrov will exchange details on the opening of a diplomatic venue, in addition to measures aimed at security in the territory, after the Georgia attack occurred between August 8 and 12.

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev stated Monday that the contingent’s international legal status will be soon defined to locate the Kremlin in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, instead of the peacekeeping troops.