Home Muslim World News Two commanders among nine killed in Afghanistan

Two commanders among nine killed in Afghanistan


Kabul : A Taliban and an al-Qaeda commanders were among the four militants killed by the US-led coalition troops in southern Afghanistan.

A statement from the coalition forces Bagram base here on Saturday said the four militants were killed during an operation in Ghazni province on Friday.

The al-Qaeda and Taliban commanders were known weapons and foreign fighter facilitators in Andar districtd and they were believed to have coordinated and directed militant activities against locals, government of Afghanistan and the coalition forces, said the statement.

Five more militants were killed by the Afghan and coalition forces in Khakrez district of Kandahar province.

A group of militants attacked a joint convoy of Afghan and coalition troops in the area. The joint force responded with small-arms and RPG fire killing five of them.

In Uruzgan province in the same southern zone, a suicide bomber targetted a vehicle of the Afghan National Army wounding one soldier and six civilians, police said.Chief of police in Uruzgan province Juma Gul Himmat told KUNA over the telephone that the suicide attack was carried out in Deh Rahud district of the province.

He said the bomber was on foot. He had hidden the explosives under his cloths, said the police chief who added that one soldier and five civilians were injured in the explosion.

In yet another operation, the Afghan and coalition troops recovered weapons in Deh Rahud district of Uruzgan. The cache contained 25 rockets, 29 mortar rounds, 22 rocket-propelled-grenade (RPG).

boosters and five grenades, said a military statement.