Islamabad, Oct 24, IRNA ,Ansar Abbasi, a senior Pakistani journalist on Thursday urged the media of Islamic countries not to become a propaganda tool like western media.
There is a need for a clear stance by Muslim countries for portraying the true spirit of Islam, Abbasi said in an interview with IRNA with a reference to the upcoming meeting of ECONA.
He said that it is a dilemma of Muslims that they are seeing the world through American lens.
Islamic media don’t have their own perception, why are we apologetic, he said.
Ansar Abbasi opined that Islamic media lack professionalism and cannot counter the western propaganda in an effective manner.
He said that the western media are dominant media and after 9/11 the US and its allies had used the media as a tool to launch a war on terror.
Ansar Abbasi was of the view that Muslims around the world have been facing injustice because of the policies of west, and western media are playing a key role in this regard.
Lack of fair play is increasing rapidly against Muslims, he added.
“You can see what is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan and now they are repeating the same tactics in Pakistan,” he said.
He suggested that the partial role of western media should be condemned in the meeting of ECONA with a concrete policy to counter it.
Look at the headlines of the western newspapers; they have been calling Pakistan an irresponsible state, Ansar said.
He was of the view that Islamic media should not call those people `militants’ who are fighting against atrocities of the US.
He added that world doesn’t know about the real situation of Islamic countries.
He asked the Islamic media to focus on those areas which are ignored by the western media.
He said that it is unfortunate that any Muslim can be killed in the name of Al-Qaeda.
Western media have their own significant share in killing of innocent Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Ansar said.
He said that in Quetta some years back western journalists were caught red-handed when they were trying to make a fake documentary about the activities of militants in Pakistan.
Ansar Abbasi is an investigative editor of one of the leading newspapers from Pakistan, The News International said.