Home Muslim World News Pakistan’s senate condemns U.S. attacks in tribal region

Pakistan’s senate condemns U.S. attacks in tribal region

By Xinhua,

Islamabad : Pakistan’s senate Monday adopted a unanimous resolution strongly condemning missile attacks by American drones in Pakistan’s territory.

Leader of the House in the senate Mian Raza Rabbani moved the resolution, saying that the United States attacks in Pakistan’s territory have resulted in immense loss of life.

Suspected U.S. drones fired missiles targeting local militants in South Waziristan tribal region who gathered to offer prayers late Sunday night. As a result, at least 20 people were killed.

This is the 70th violation of Pakistan’s sovereign territory by the U.S. and coalition forces and 34th in the last seven months of the present regime, according to News Network International news agency.

The senate stressed that such attacks were most unfortunate and constituted gross violation of Pakistan’s national sovereignty and territory. It also underlined that the continued intervention into Pakistan’s territory was harming the government’s efforts to seek a political solution through dialogue.

The senate declared that attacks inside Pakistani territory were unacceptable and the government should take more effective measures to stop them.

It also called upon the government to convey Pakistan’s strongest protest to the United States, and its coalition forces and seek assurance for full respect of Pakistan’s sovereignty.