Home Indian Muslim JIH to lead nationwide protest against illegal detention of Muslim youths

JIH to lead nationwide protest against illegal detention of Muslim youths

By Tarique Anwar, TwoCircles.net,

Patna: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) has decided to take two All India Caravans- Caravan for Peace and Justice- in the wake of unprecedented havoc created in the country in the name of terrorism and communalism.

Addressing a press conference held on 14th November in Anjuman Taraqui Urdu Bihar, Patna, Mujtaba Farooque, National Convenor & Secretary JIH, said that Jamaat-e-Islami Hind is highly concerned that communal conflicts are once more becoming a routine in the country. Innocent men and women are being brutally killed. The result is that society is again divided. Unfortunately India has become haven for all kinds of terrorism. “We are witnessing terrorist activities in the name of separation in North-East and Kashmir, mindless bombings and explosions in trains and public places, genocides and state supported carnages, brutal police firings, encounters, tortures and custodial deaths etc.” said Farooque.

Mujtaba Farooque addressing the press conference, Maulana Quamarul Hoda (in the middle) and Dr Suresh Khairnar (extreme left)

He further said that Jamaat-e-Islami believes that the system is to be blamed that fails to provide justice and equality. We have failed to inculcate the noble values of love, mutual respect, honesty, patience, sacrifice and fraternity in our men, women and young generations. The politicians and law enforcing authorities are equally responsible for aggravating the situation. Minutes after the blasts, the police comes out with a standard preconceived statement blaming the ‘foreign hands’ and Muslim-sounding organizations. Later they start arresting Muslim boys and creating terror in Muslim localities. On the other side, despite clear leads against the extremist right wing groups, either action is not taken at all or it is taken half heartedly. Different yardsticks are used to treat different accused based on their community and political affiliations, he added.

Highlighting the demands of these caravans he said:

“All riots and terrorist attacks of the last decade should be probed into by an independent high powered commission to identify the actual culprits and the report of this enquiry should be made public.

Reforms should be initiated in the police and law enforcement machinery and the recommendations of National Police Commission should be immediately implemented. At least 25% police personnel at all levels should belong to minority communities, he added.

Effective legal mechanism should be evolved to check police atrocities, illegal detentions, fake encounters, tortures, custodial deaths and fabricated accusations.

Harassment of relatives and well wishers of the detainees should be stopped and a whole locality should not be targeted or victimized.

Confidential reports and confessions extracted under duress must not be leaked to the media. Effective regulations and legal mechanism should be enacted to ensure fair and unbiased reporting in media.

All efforts for undemocratic and unjust legislation should be stopped and all those laws in states should be cancelled wherein confessions in police custody is made admissible in courts or that allow police to keep persons arrested without filing charge sheets.

Measures should be adopted to promote human values, respect for human life, tolerance and co-operation so that we can build a hatred free and peaceful India. Jamat-e-Islami Hind requests all those concerned about the country to come forward and co operate with the caravan.”

When asked about the aim of these caravans he said JIH wants to interact directly with those people, agencies who are misleading the people for their vested interest. He said that JIH is going to lead a nationwide protest against illegal detention of Muslim youths. Responding another question that how JIH will ensure to check these atrocities on Muslims youths especially young professionals, he added: “We will use people intervention, legal process and will work with all secular organisations”.

Why UPA government is escaping from Batla House case, he questioned. Giving his comment on a question posed by a media person he said that our Home Minister is one of the part Fascist forces.

Farooque clearly gave the sign of formation of a third front. He said that we have tested BJP and UPA both but this year all Muslim organizations which have jointly formed coordination committee will support a third front. When hidden agenda of Congress came in light it has started to open some old files like Malegaon to gain Muslim sympathy and their vote banks in coming election he said.

Giving details about the caravan in Bihar, Maulana Quamarul Hoda, Amir-e-Halqua, JIH, Bihar, said that the it will start from Katihar, Purnia, Araria, Forbesganj, Bhagalpur, Jamui, Darbhanga and Muzaffarpur.

In response to a question by TwoCircles.net, Dr Suresh Khairnar, President, All India Secular Forum, Maharashtra, attacked Modi and Advani saying that they have no moral right to talk about nation. He said that the government is targeting innocent Muslim youths specially those who are well settled and skillful professionals only with this aim to attack on improving economical and educational status of Muslims. All the boys arrested or encountered are innocents, he added.

Answering a question regarding plantation of bomb on trees in Gujarat he said that that was part of deep conspiracy. All the bombs were planted on the directions of the Chief Minister Narendra Modi only to tarnish the image of Muslim community and to arrest Muslim youths on the name of terrorism. Why the whole media and investigative agencies are keeping mum when whole system Army, Intelligence Bureau, CBI and different Hindu saints have come under scanner, said Khairnar.

The caravans have started from 10th November and will end on 26th November. These caravans will be laid by Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Ansar Umari, All India President, JIH, and Mohammed Jafar, Deputy President, JIH respectively. Both caravans have been flagged off in a public programme held in New Delhi on 10th November. The first caravan passed through Lucknow (Nov 10,11), Azamgarh (Nov 13), Patna (Nov 14), and will pass through Guwahati (Nov 16), Kolkata (Nov 17,18), Asansol (Nov 19), Bangalore (Nov 21-23), Mangalore (Nov 24), Ernakulam (Nov 25) and the second caravan has passed through Jabalpur (Nov 11,12), Nagpur (Nov 13), Bhopal (Nov 14) and will pass through Indore (Nov 15), Mumbai (Nov 16-18), Ahmedabad (Nov 19,20), Baroda (Nov 21), Kota (Nov 22) and Jaipur (Nov 23,24).