Home International March through London demands immediate action on climate change

March through London demands immediate action on climate change


London : A national march was being held through London Saturday demanding that the government immediately acts against climate change.

The march, which culminates in a rally outside the British parliament, is being organized by the Campaign against Climate Change (CACC) as part of a global day of action.

Speakers at the rally include Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, leader of the Green Party Caroline Lucas and former environment secretary Michael Meacher.

The march on the British Parliament has four main themes, including opposition to a 3rd runway being built at London’s Heathrow Airport, no more coal-fired power stations and to end the use of agrofuels because of their with negative impacts on forests, the climate and world food supply.

The positive call was for a renewable energy revolution and green jobs under what the campaign group described as a “Green new Deal.” “We need the government to act now on climate, to stop building coal -fired power stations and new runways – and to begin the renewable energy revolution,” CACC said in calling for a “tidal wave” of protests.

The march was being preceded by a bicycle ride, a musical interlude and a Climate Change Service at Hinde Street Christian church.

The global day of action comes midway through the UN Climate Talks in Poznan, Poland in which the organisers said they were making demands solidarity with the world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities that will suffer the worst.