Home India News Tackle your problems, don’t blame Pakistan: LeT chief to India

Tackle your problems, don’t blame Pakistan: LeT chief to India


Islamabad : India should focus on its internal problems instead of accusing Pakistan of complicity in the Mumbai terror attacks, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) chief Hafiz Muhammad Saeed has said, while his deputy has blamed an Indian intelligence agency for the terror bombing of a Peshawar blast that killed more than two dozen people.

Addressing a gathering of thousands of people, including hundreds of women, during Friday prayers at Lahore’s Jamia Masjid, Saeed said India was indulging in politics of accusations and was blaming Pakistan to hide its internal problems, a posting Sunday on the website of the Jamaat-ul Dawah, as the LeT is now known, read.

“He said there are several ongoing separatist movements in India which were begun in reaction to the excesses of Hindu Brahmins, especially the denial of peaceful co-existence to Muslims. Yet, he said, no power in the world cares what atrocities are committed against Muslims,” the posting read.

According to Saeed, US Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice and the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen “were quick to exert pressure on Pakistan after the Mumbai events, yet why don’t they exert pressure on India to safeguard the rights of its minorities?”

“Where was the American Secretary of State when the Babri Masjid was martyred and when thousands of innocent Muslims were slaughtered in Gujarat?” he asked.

In a separate web positing, Saeed’s deputy Hafiz Abdur Rahman Makki said India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) external intelligence agency was behind the Peshawar blast.

“He blamed Indian consulates in Afghanistan as being behind the planning and execution of incidents of terrorism inside Pakistan,” the posting read.

In an interview to IANS in Islamabad Saturday, Makki said that “we don’t kill people”, even as he accused India of using Pakistan “like a punching bag” in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks that killed 172 people.

“We don’t kill people. Our mission is to spread the word of Islam and Allah’s message on earth. And we are not Lashkar-e-Taiba, we are Jamaat-ul Dawah,” Makki said.

India – as well as US experts – say the LeT is one of the principal suspects for the Mumbai terror strikes.

The US government’s Excluded Parties List System names the LeT as one of the alternate identities of the Jamaat-ul Dawah.