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Makkah imam urges Muslims to support Palestinians


Makkah : Sheikh Saud bin Ibrahim Al-Shuraim, imam of the Haram Mosque in Makkah, yesterday urged the world’s Muslim leaders to do whatever they can for the victory of their brethren in Gaza against the Israeli forces. “It is the responsibility of Muslim leaders, rulers, scholars and intellectuals…to do whatever is possible for the victory of their brethren in Gaza by extending all possible assistance,” the imam said in his Friday sermon.

Addressing nearly a million worshippers, Al-Shuraim urged Muslims to act in unison. “Nobody can defeat and destroy Islam. Islam has victoriously overcome all major crises in the past.” He advised Muslims not to be disappointed seeing the atrocities of enemies committed against them. “Action is the key to success,” he told the faithful, adding that their return to the Qur’an and Sunnah was a prerequisite for success. Muslims suffered defeats and failures in the past as a result of their negligence in carrying out their duties. “Mistakes have also taken place in their commitment to their religion, in strengthening their power and in supporting one another,” he pointed out.

Citing examples from history, the imam said Muslims could still achieve victory if they have strong faith in the Almighty God and stand united, setting aside their differences. “The strength of the enemy alone cannot be considered as the real criteria for its victory. In the Battle of Badr Muslims, who were less in number with few and shabby weapons, emerged victorious,” he said. Al-Shuraim denounced the brutal crimes being committed by the Israeli forces against unarmed civilian population in Gaza. He said it is similar to the cruelties committed by the Crusaders when they invaded Palestine. “The international charters, agreements and institutions have failed to protect Muslims and their rights.