Home Muslim World News Suspected militants damage 17 NATO supply vehicles in Pakistan

Suspected militants damage 17 NATO supply vehicles in Pakistan


Islamabad : Suspected militants torched 17 vehicles as well as buidlings of a site housing containers loaded with supplies for NATO forces in Afghanistan, police said on Sunday.

Suspected Taliban militants armed with rockets and Kalashnikovs attacked three terminals on the Ring Road locality of Peshawar, the capital of North West Frontier Province, according to police reports.

Around 150 armed militants entered the Asim, Pak Kabul and Amanullah terminals setting on fire vehicles over there, police officer Tariq Suhail said.

He added that police forces rushed to the site of the indident with armoured vehicles and exchanged fires with attackers who managed to escape later.

The police officer said that 17 containers and trucks, loaded with cement, were damaged during the attack.

Fire fighters were called to extinguish the blaze.

Suhail stated that the attackers were speaking local Pashto language and some looked very young. He added that four guards also received minor injuries.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet.

Suspected militants regularly target NATO supply containers and Taliban, led by Baitullah Mehsood, has claimed responsibility for such attacks in the past.

The US has struck deal with Russia and several Central Asian states for alternate supply route due to attacks on trucks in Pakistan.