Home India News US Congress extends welcome to Manmohan Singh

US Congress extends welcome to Manmohan Singh


Washington : To welcome Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on his upcoming state visit to the US, the first of the Obama administration, a resolution has been introduced in the US Congress commending the maturing of relationship between the two nations.

The maturing of relationship between the two countries that would be exemplified by Manmohan Singh’s official visit had deepened bilateral ties on matters of international security, world trade, technology, science and health, the resolution introduced by four senior lawmakers noted.

“Relationship between the US and India has great potential to promote stability, democracy, prosperity, and peace throughout the world and enhance the ability of both countries to work together to provide global leadership in areas of mutual concern and interest,” said the resolution.

Welcoming the visit, it said Manmohan Singh who arrives here Nov 24 has helped shape India’s economic policies to permit the expansion of a market economy, which has led to greater economic prosperity for India.

The resolution noted the world’s largest democratic election held in India early this year had returned Manmohan Singh to power.

Introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Jim McDermott and co-sponsored by three other eminent-Ed Royce, Gary Ackerman and Dan Burton, the resolution also welcomes Manmohan Singh to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.