Home India News Myanmar cultural troupe to perform in northeast India

Myanmar cultural troupe to perform in northeast India


Imphal : A 15-member cultural troupe from Myanmar will visit India’s northeastern region Saturday to showcase their country’s traditional art and culture, officials said here Friday.

“During their 10-day (Nov 28 to Dec 7) visit to three northeastern states — Nagaland, Manipur and Assam — the Myanmar cultural troupe will perform various traditional dances in Kohima, Imphal and Guwahati,” a Manipur government official said.

The official told reporters: “Union ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) has been advocating closer cultural and trade ties between northeastern states and neighbouring countries as part of the ‘Look-East Policy’.”

According to Rajkumar Kalyanjit Singh, an expert on northeast art and culture, archaeological evidence shows an Indian influence on Myanmarese dance and there are some similarities between traditional dances of northeast India and Myanmar.

The cultural exchange programme has been taken up by the ministry of DoNER in coordination with the Indian embassy at Yangon, Myanmar embassy in New Delhi, Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), North Eastern Council (NEC) and the three northeastern state governments, the official added.