Home India News First law e-book launched in India

First law e-book launched in India


New Delhi : It is a treat for tech-savvy book lovers. For the first time ever in India, a law e-book has been launched on wireless e-book reader Kindle.

Kindle is a small handy book sized device. Users can wirelessly download books and store around 1,500 of them. Kindle provides the convenience of storing two Gigabytes (GB) of reading material and carrying it with virtually no weight and volume.

The book ‘The Code of Civil Procedure 1908’, written by Anupam and Monika Srivastva, both practicing lawyers in the capital and published by leading law publishers Manupatra, was unveiled by Delhi High Court judges Justices Madan B. Lokur and A.K. Sikri.

“It is a historic moment. It is for the first time that a legal e-book has been launched in India. This step will certainly increase the pace of justice,” said Justice Lokur while releasing the book on Kindle.

“To lessen the burden of increasing number of cases, the need of the hour is to use technology,” added Justice Lokur.

Justice Sikri, who launched the hard copy of the book, recalling his trip to the US three years ago, said: “When we visited the US courts and watched their working, the only difference we could make out was the difference in their case management as well as the use of technology.”

Priyanka, Chief Operating Officer, Manupatra said: “The future trend points towards electronic reading. We feel Kindle and similar gadgets will further revolutionise reading habits because of the ease and options they provide.”

The book is priced at Rs.2,750.