Home Muslim World News Myanmar, Bangladesh hold maritime boundary delineation meeting

Myanmar, Bangladesh hold maritime boundary delineation meeting


Nay Pyi Taw : At the invitation of Myanmar’s Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, U Maung Myint, a Bangladesh Technical Level Team, led by Rear Admiral (Retired) Khurshed Alam, Additional Secretary at the Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visited Myanmar from March 16 to 19 to attend the sixth round of technical level talks on the delimitation of the maritime boundary between the two countries.

The Myanmar Technical Level Team, led by Commodore Myo Myint Than of the Myanmar Navy, and the Bangladesh team held meetings on March 17 and 18 here.

The two sides discussed technical issues and the meeting concluded with agreement that the next round of talks would be held in Bangladesh at a mutually convenient date.

Bangladesh Ambassador to Myanmar Major-General Anup Kumar Chakma and Myanmar’s ambassador to Bangladesh, U Pe Than Oo, also participated in the meetings.

Deputy Minister U Maung Myint hosted a dinner on March 17 for the Bangladeshi delegation, which left here on March 19.