Home International BBC headquarters hit by strike

BBC headquarters hit by strike


London : Major BBC radio and TV news programmes were silenced Friday as journalists launched a 48-hour strike against changes in pension provisions.

News and flagship programmes on both radio and TV were cancelled or shortened as journalists, reporters and presenters walked out, following a strike vote by members of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ).

Pre-recorded programmes filled slots usually occupied by familiar news and current affairs programme on the domestic and foreign news network.

Further action has been threatened for later this month, and during the run-up to Christmas.

While most other unions in the BBC have accepted changes to the BBC pension scheme, the NUJ says the pension deficit is not as large as the BBC management claims.

BBC director-general Mark Thompson has said tackling the deficit cannot be delayed. In a message to staff he pointed out that NUJ membership represented around 17 percent of the corporation’s workforce.