Home Indian Muslim Bhopal gas victim’s children protest in New Delhi

Bhopal gas victim’s children protest in New Delhi


Bhopal/New Delhi : About a hundred children of the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy demonstrated in front of the Prime Minister’s Office Monday demanding medical care, rehabilitation and a poison-free environment, said an NGO.

Wearing signs with words like “Justice” and “Izzat (dignity)”, members of the Bhopal-based Children Against Dow-Carbide held a banner with their demands in front of the North Block office.

The Union Carbide disaster, in which poisonous methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas leaked from the plant on the night of Dec 2-3, 1984, killed 3,000 people instantly and 25,000 over the years. It also affected 100,000 people that night and estimates are that more than 500,000 continue to suffer from ill effects of the gas till date.

A press communique issued by the protest holding NGO said that it was the fourth time children were trying to draw the attention of the prime minister towards governmental inaction on environmental and health rehabilitation schemes in Bhopal.

“Since 2006, we have sought help from Dr. Manmohan Singh for the children of Bhopal who are still denied medical care and rehabilitation and who are still forced to drink poisoned water.” said Safreen Khan one of the founders of Children Against Dow Carbide.