Home India Politics Telangana employees reject invitation for talks

Telangana employees reject invitation for talks


Hyderabad : Government employees in Telangana Thursday rejected the Andhra Pradesh government’s invitation for talks over their proposed indefinite strike from Aug 17 to demand creation of separate state and resolution of service-related issues.

The Joint Action Committee (JAC) of Telangana employees, teachers and gazetted officers took the decision at its meeting to discuss the invitation by the cabinet sub-committee.

JAC leaders said that since the government had not accepted their preconditions, they would not hold any talks with the cabinet sub-committee.

The JAC wants the government to withdraw orders invoking the Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA) in various departments and also call back para-military and police forces deployed in government offices.

The committee’s leaders said the government was trying to intimidate them in the name of talks and hence they would not participate.

They had boycotted a meeting last week with the five-member cabinet sub-committee. The JAC comprises several unions of employees.

Meanwhile, the political JAC which is spearheading the Telangana movement has clarified that the strike would not be postponed.

JAC spokesman denied reports that the employees were planning to defer the protest to next month in view of Ramzan festivities and the coming Ganesh Chaturthi.