Home India News US studying India’s new nuclear liability rules

US studying India’s new nuclear liability rules


Washington : The United States has withheld comments on implementation rules for the civil nuclear liability law notified by India, saying it was reviewing the measure.

“I think we’re still in the process of studying the content. And once we’ve reviewed them thoroughly, then we’ll have comment,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters Thursday when asked if the US viewed the rules as sufficient to allow US nuclear companies to invest in India.

The notified rules relating to Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act provide the nuclear plant operator the right to recourse for the period for which the supplier of equipment has taken liability for patent or latent defects or sub-standard services under a contract.

According to the rules, an operator’s claim will in no case exceed the actual amount of compensation paid by him up to the date of filing such claim.

The US has told India that its civil nuclear liability law will have to be harmonised with international conventions and the current regime imposed a heavy burden on the operators of nuclear plants in India.