New Delhi: Anna Hazare Sunday once again attacked Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi, accusing him of pressurising Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to go back on an assurance to include Team Anna’s demands in the Lokpal bill.
Team Anna had demanded a Citizen’s Charter, inclusion of the lower bureaucracy under the Lokpal and establishment of Lokayuktas in states.
“The PM sent me a letter that the standing committee has made the changes. But then he changed his stance. Who did this? Isn’t Rahul Gandhi behind this,” Hazare asked.
“No one else would dare do this. He (Gandhi) pressured the PM to do this and in turn changed the right things into wrong,” he added.
Commenting on Gandhi’s visits to poor families in rural areas and spending the night with them, Hazare said that to become the country’s prime minister, one has to sacrifice a lot.
“You have to sacrifice and do a lot to become the prime minister. Spending a night in a hut won’t change anything, he will have to spend several nights in the hut,” said Hazare adding that he otherwise had nothing against Gandhi.
Hazare had Saturday also attacked the Congress leader but said he and his team were open to working with him in the future.