New Delhi : Accusing the government with having no intention to pass the Lokpal bill, Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal Friday said all the disturbances in the Rajya Sabha had been pre-planned.
Had the Lokpal bill been passed in the Rajya Sabha Thursday, it could have been at least a good start for Lokpal but the government had no intention to pass the bill and it has deceived the people, he said at a press conference here.
Kejriwal alleged that the ruling party had devised “tactics” for delaying the procedure in the upper house of parliament.
“The lengthy speech delivered by leaders and disturbance caused by RJD (Rashtriya Janata Dal) led by Lalu Yadav was done according to a script, written before. Everything was pre-decided,” he said.
“The government did not have majority in Rajya Sabha yet they know how to play with the parliament process. The government has deceived the people of the country,” he said.