Home International Muslim woman sentenced in Russia over extremist article

Muslim woman sentenced in Russia over extremist article

By IANS/RIA Novosti,

Moscow : A Muslim woman journalist in Russia was given a suspended jail term by a Moscow court Thursday for distributing material that prosecutors said contained “calls for terrorism”.

Tatyana Tarasova, a convert, was convicted of posting an “extemist” article on the internet when she was chief editor of a website belonging to Muslim rights group Islamic Committee in 2008.

She was given a suspended sentence of one year and six months after Tarasova pleaded guilty to the offence. The judge said a real jail term would be “excessively harsh”.

Security officers raided the home of Islamic Committee leader Geidar Dzhemal in March over the article, “The Role of Women in Jihad”, which officials said cited “instances of Muslim women taking part in terrorist attacks, including against the Russian military in the republic of Chechnya, and urges readers to follow suit”.

In 2009, a Russian lawmaker called for the Islamic Committee to be declared an extremist organisation and charges to be brought against Dzhemal.