Home India News GOPIO launches Gadar centennial in US

GOPIO launches Gadar centennial in US


Washington : The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), in collaboration with GOPIO chapters of Metro DC and Virginia, is launching its Gadar Centennial Commemoration in the US next Saturday.

Gadar was a newspaper published for the Hindustani Association of the Pacific Coast, founded at Portland in 1912. The movement this Association gave rise to, aimed at winning freedom for India from British colonial rule, came to be known as the Gadar Movement.

Marking the 100th anniversary of the Gadar Movement which began in 1913, a series of commemoration events are planned throughout 2013 in collaboration with several NRI/PIO organizations, government and international agencies.

It is a fitting tribute to patriots and heroes of the Gadar Movement and deserving of their sacrifices to free India, GOPIO said describing the history of the Gadar movement as a testimony of the deep love that the Indian immigrants had for their motherland.

The Gadar Movement is an integral part of the rich heritage in the United States for the Indian Americans and of Indian history, it said.

The Gadarites left an extra-ordinary legacy for the future generations and a global centennial commemoration is a fitting and well deserved tribute, GOPIO added.

As GOPIO has done for the Kolkata Memorial unveiled on Jan 11, 2011 in recognition and remembrance of Indian indentured labourers who left India from 1834-1920, the Centennial Commemoration of Gadar Movement is another GOPIO initiative in its continuing efforts to preserve and promote Indian history, heritage and culture, GOPIO said.

The launch event at the Indian Embassy here on Nov 3 includes a lecture/discussion on “The Role of Gadar Movement for India’s Independence” by prominent Gadar researchers and historians, and release of the GOPIO publication on “Global Indian Diaspora”