New Delhi : Delhi Chief Electoral Officer Vijay Dev Thursday said an all-party meeting Friday would be held to discuss cases of political parties violating the model code of conduct.
A total 2,285 cases of model code violations by the political parties have been reported till now.
The all-party meet would take up issues like maximum expenditure on campaigning, initiatives to stop model code violations by political party candidates, added Vijay Dev.
Dev spoke about the all-party meet, hours after Bharatiya Janata Party spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi met him and accused the Congress party of using Delhi Police for its campaigning.
“Our motive is to conduct the assembly elections in a peaceful manner. Whatever queries political parties have will be discussed,” said Vijay Dev.
“We have already made it clear to all the political parties that everybody needs to follow the instructions and guidelines of the model code of conduct. Action will be taken against those found violating the election norms,” he added.