Muslim professionals organising career fest on 14-15 Dec in Mumbai

    By TCN News,

    Mumbai: Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) is going to organise a “Career Fest – The Next Step”. It is a week long career fest aimed at providing guidance and exposure to students. This will help them elevate, enrich themselves with education and better career prospects thereby bringing prosperity to the country. We hope to ameliorate their prospects in social, political and economic fields.

    The fest, currently in its sixth year, is an initiative by AMP in collaboration with many other Social and Welfare Organizations. The fest is organised on the lines of an Educational Fair. Parents, Students, Teachers, Researchers and others who wish to gain information in the field of knowledge and education can do so by attending the fest and its numerous programs.

    This year the fest will be an extended event spread across entire week. The workshops and lectures will be organized for the students in the prominent colleges of the city divided in different zones. Similarly special workshops for Teachers and Principals are also planned.

    Schedule of the Event:

    Workshop for Principals and Teachers: 4th December
    Topic: “Effective Use of Technology and Networking”

    Inaugural Ceremony: 7th December 2013

    Zonal Programs for Students: 9th to 13th December 2013

    Main Days: 14th and 15th December, 2013

    The main events include workshops, seminars, discussions, speeches, talk show, exhibition, stalls of educational institutes and professional counselling etc. on various subjects such as governance, media, science, engineering, technology, retail, travel & tourism, arts and commerce and other vocations. Participants will also get enriched and get motivated to excel by hearing experiences shared by successful personalities in Government, Corporates, Health Sector, Academics and Business.

    The event has gone from strength to strength because of the strong and unfettered support of Mr. Amin Patel (Hon MLA Maharashtra State and Chairman of Maulana Azad Minorities Financial Development Corporation Ltd) and Mr. Yusuf Abrahani (Ex-MLA and President, SEWA)

    AMP President, Mr. Aamir Idrisi, while elaborating on the need for such events said, “We want the Career Fest to be a one-stop shop for all education needs with Seminar on Latest Topics, Participation of Professional Counsellors and guidance from Experienced Professionals providing directions on various career options, information on various government schemes through workshops and interactive discussions.”

    Many schools which had participated in the fest in previous years have expressed their wish to send more students this year as it has helped them greatly in choosing a vocation and getting proper guidance towards it.

    “We hope that students come to the fest in maximum numbers and avail of the golden opportunity in getting educational guidance,” Mr. Soheb Selia, one of the Project Coordinator for the fest, said. Students and professionals from Mumbai, Thane District, Raigad District and other parts of Maharashtra have in the past attended the fest and many more will be attending this year too.

    The other coordinator of Career Fes, Javed Syed said that, “We have decided to give free Information Booklet to SSC students which contain very important information about Career Options and different career articles. Mr. Baba Siddque (MLA) has come forward to sponsor this Education Kit”

    The unique event brings together students and professionals from different fields in an environment where they can help and assist each other.

    Highlights of Career Fest 2013

    · More than 20000 Visitors
    · More than 125 High Profile Speakers
    · More than 250 Professionals to Guide Students
    · Participation from more than 150 Schools of the City
    · High Profile and Influential Guests of National Stature
    · Free Aptitude Test
    · Lectures by Industry Experts
    · Professional Counsellors for Guidance
    · Guidance from Experienced Industry Professionals
    · Special Workshops on various Career Options
    · Reputed Educational Institutes
    · Scholarship Assistance
    · Free Education Kit to SSC Students
    · Career Chart Exhibition
    · Quiz Program
    · Educational Drama and more…

    Contact Us:
    For further details contact at [email protected]