New Delhi : The government Thursday said it will invest Rs.990.36 crore during the 12th five year plan to develop leather sector that will help create 200,000 additional jobs.
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh approved the proposal to be implemented under the “Central Sector Scheme Indian Leather Development Programme”.
The scheme is aimed at “overall development of leather sector.”
Around two lakh unemployed persons would be provided placement linked skill development training under the human resource development (HRD) sub-scheme, according to an official statement released after the cabinet meeting here.
“Skill upgradation of existing employees and training to trainers would also be provided. Thirty thousand artisans would be covered through the common facilitating centre support, marketing linkages, micro finance and by forming Self Help Group for enhancing their skill and income,” it said.
The programme also envisages infrastructure support in the form of mega leather clusters, establishing infrastructure and pilot projects for environment protection, establishment of two new branches of Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI) and providing assistance for modernisation and technology upgradation of leather units.
“Implementation of ILDP would provide trained manpower to the industry and assistance to overcome the constraints of infrastructure in the industry besides efforts for addressing environmental concerns. The objective of the scheme is overall development of the leather sector,” the statement said.