Kuwait : Alternatives that guarantee the participation of all sectors of society in the development of education, including the private sector, must be adopted, said Basic Education Professor Dr. Jaber Al-Munaifi on Tuesday.
Speaking at a session on “The Role of the Private Sector in Education Development” at the National Education Development Conference, he said it was important to allow the private sector to support and sponsor the development of the educational process.
He noted that Article 13 of the Kuwaiti Constitution stipulated that education was one of the bases for the development and advancement of society, and was a right guaranteed by the state to all citizens.
Al-Munaifi explained that a team was formed by the organizing committee of the conference to look into ways that the non-governmental sectors — whether the private sector, civil societies, or individuals — could support the cause of education.
This support, he added, could be in the form of financial or administrative means, or any other method that contributed to the advancement of the education sector in general.
He noted that the team reviewed local and international experiences in this respect, and found that support was an ongoing process that did not end once a proposal was made and adopted, but continued to finding different forms of support to accommodate field developments.
The professor also said that the team found that there was a need for establishing an entity that guaranteed the participation of different sectors in supporting the education process, tasked with studying and analyzing the different options on this matter.
The overall goal of the team is to initiate dialogue over the issue in order to achieve development in education, he concluded.