Baghdad : A gurdwara in Baghdad, built to commemorate Guru Nanak's visit to the city and severely damaged after the fall of Saddam Hussein, is all set to be rebuilt, a top Iraqi leader said.
Ahmed Chalabi, former deputy prime minister, visited the dilapidated Sikh shrine earlier this week under heavy military protection, reported.
The leader said: "It (the gurdwara) has unfortunately been wiped out by fanatics because they thought it was against Islam."
It is believed that Guru Nanak visited Baghdad while on his way to Mecca and Medina and spent around four months in the city. During this period he is said to have held many discourses with Bahlol Dana, a sufi saint.
"We will rebuild it. It's shameful they cannot respect someone who has millions of followers," Chalabi said at the gurdwara site along the river Tigris.