Home Muslim World News Israel welcomes UN resolution against Iran

Israel welcomes UN resolution against Iran

By Xinhua

Jerusalem : Israel welcomes the resolution against Iran’s nuclear program adopted Monday by the United Nations Security Council, the government said on Tuesday in a statement.

“This important resolution is an unequivocal message that the international community cannot countenance Iran’s nuclear program,” according to the statement.

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said the third Security Council resolution is an additional necessary step that expresses the understanding that the international community must neither give up nor stand aside in the face of Iran’s attempts to attain a nuclear capability.

“Any additional decision by any state, company or group adds further weight to the body of sanctions necessary to stop Iran,” she added.

The Security Council approved the new sanctions on Monday, which Israel says sent a strong signal to Teheran that its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment is unacceptable and becoming increasingly costly.

The vote on the new sanction was 14-0 with one abstention from Indonesia.