New Delhi : The Delhi High Court Wednesday pulled up the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) for not taking any action till date against the doctors who struck work last year to protest the government move on quota for other backward class (OBC) students.
A division bench headed by Chief Justice M.K. Sharma and Reva Khetrapal asked counsel for AIIMS to inform the court within four weeks what action the administration proposed against these resident doctors.
The next date for hearing is July 17.
The court also asked AIIMS authorities for information on the action taken on the Thorat Committee report, which indicated that students at the institute were facing caste discrimination.
The Thorat Committee recommended that a panel of students, resident doctors and faculty members be set up to examine and study social divisions on the campus, and suggest measures to remedy the situation.
Last year’s strike was called off after the court warned the doctors to go back to work or face cancellation of their licence to practice.
“It is a very shameful act by the resident doctors that despite our orders the strike has taken place. We are warning the doctors again, otherwise not only their licences will be cancelled but also their pay would be deducted if they participate in strikes,” the bench had then ruled.