Agra : Hectic efforts were on Wednesday morning to rescue a three-year-old girl who had fallen into a 50-ft deep bore well in a village near here.
Vandana, from village Hulaspura in Saiyan block of Agra, had fallen into the uncovered cylindrical pit near her home Tuesday evening.
Army personnel, police and fire brigade experts were working hard to save the girl, who has been provided with glucose, oranges and oxygen in the well.
According to police, Vandana could be heard crying, indicating that she was alive.
“Vandana is alive. She has been given glucose and is crying occasionally. We are very hopeful that we will save her,” said Senior Superintendent of Police Neera Rawat.
Rescuers were digging a parallel pit nearly 10 feet away from the bore well to reach the child. “We are hoping to reach her any moment,” said an army official.
Thousands of villagers were praying for her life and most of the civil and police officials of the district congregated at the sight, willing her to go on.
Less than two years ago, in July 2006, another five-year-old boy had fallen into a nearly 60-ft deep shaft near his home in Shahbad in Kurukshetra. Little Prince survived the ordeal after the army rescued him after over two days of continuous rescue operations.
A parallel tunnel was dug up from a dried up well alongside the shaft to rescue Prince after almost 50 hours.