New Delhi : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Friday arrested its own investigating officer probing the multi-million rupees land scam involving the alleged kingpin Ashok Malhotra and Delhi civic officials, for accepting a bribe of Rs.200,000.
D.K. Thakur, the investigating officer, was arrested red-handed accepting the bribe.
Thakur was produced before the CBI Special Judge I.K. Kochhar, who remanded him to three days of CBI remand.
Malhotra in connivance with five Delhi Development Authority officials fraudulently sold plots allotted to the underprivileged people in the Dhirpur resettlement colony and in Molarband area of the capital.
Malhotra was arrested in August last year outside a television news channel office in Noida but was granted bail by the Delhi High Court earlier this month.