Home Art/Culture Orissa sand artist sculpts Myanmar cyclone havoc

Orissa sand artist sculpts Myanmar cyclone havoc


Puri : Well-known sand artist Sudarsan Patnaik has created a sand image here of the havoc wrought in Myanmar by the killer cyclone to seek help for the hundreds of thousands of victims in that country.

Patnaik and students of his Golden Sand Art Institute used five tonnes of sand to create the images of dead people and the despair of the cyclone survivors on the Puri beach.

The images were opened to public viewing Thursday.

“I live near the coast and have personally witnessed a similar situation,” Patnaik told IANS, recollecting the October 1999 super cyclone that hit coastal Orissa, killing thousands of people and damaging property.

“It is time people from across the globe come forward to help the victims of the cyclone in Myanmar,” he said. “We made this sculpture in order to create awareness among people.”

Sudarsan has participated in more than 31 international sand sculpture championships across the world and won several awards.