Bangalore : The Karnataka police Thursday arrested a man, who was working in London for over a decade and is now settled in Belgaum, about 500 km from here, and seized “objectionable material” from him, a top police official said.
The 32-year-old Liyakhat Ali Abdul Ghani Sayeed was picked up from his house in Belgaum and a laptop, several compact discs, mobile phone sets and other materials were seized, Belgaum police superintendent Hemant Nimbalkar told IANS by phone.
“We have picked him up on suspicion and are questioning him about the objectionable material we found from his residence,” he said, declining to give details on what the CDs and other materials contained.
“We are still questioning him and, hence, I cannot say anything more,” said Nimbalkar.
“We have picked up only Sayeed and no one else,” he added when asked how many people have been taken into custody.
Sayeed was working in London and returned to his native Belgaum recently, he said.
Police sources said writings on Kashmir terrorism, attacks on World Trade Centre in the US were among the materials found at Sayeed’s house.
Additional Director General of Police Shankar Bidari told reporters that some of the materials seized from Sayeed were intended to cause enmity between communities. “Interrogation is on to find out more about his activities,” he said.
Bidari said there was no connection between the arrest of Sayeed and Tuesday’s serial blasts in Jaipur or the blast at a court in Hubli, a commercial centre in north Karnataka district of Dharwad, about 80 km from Belgaum.