Home Economy Petrobras Predicts More Expensive Oil

Petrobras Predicts More Expensive Oil

By Prensa Latina,

New York : Brazilian state oil company president Jose Sergio Gabrielli said Tuesday the prices of oil will keep increasing, so PETROBRAS will considerably increase the number of its drilling machines and ships in the next years.

Gabrielli intervened in a meeting organized by the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, and said the escalade is due to a strong demand and reduced offer.

But the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries said the markets are well supplied so OPEC is not considering any oil bombing increase.

Gabrielli said it is not probable that the situation changes in the next 5 years, and predicted volatile prices in all this period.

He announced that PETROBRAS wants to rent 57 new drilling machines able to work under more than 2,000 meters deep in the sea water between 2009 and 2017 and the renting of 175 ships.

On Tuesday, the West Texas Intermediate with reference in the US reached 136.61 dollars a barrel to be delivered in July in the New York Mercantile Exchange.