Guidelines framed on aid to victims of terror, communal violence


New Delhi : The central government has formulated guidelines for implementing a scheme to provide assistance to victims of terrorist and communal violence, it was announced Thursday.

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The cabinet approved the scheme in March this year and the guidelines have been sent to the states and union territories, a home ministry statement said Thursday.

“The broad aim of the scheme is to assist victims of terrorist violence and communal violence,” it said.

Under the scheme, financial assistance of Rs.300,000 is admissible to the family in the event of death or permanent incapacitation of the breadwinner or householder of the family.

According to official statistics, in the past one decade the country has witnessed at least 31 major terrorists attacks, claiming over 1,100 lives – 570 since 2004.

The principal amount would be put in a fixed deposit account (joint or single in the name of the family member) in a nationalised bank. If there is no nationalised bank within the vicinity of the residence of the beneficiary, account may be opened in any scheduled commercial bank.

It would have a minimum lock-in period of three years or, if there are only minor children in the family, till the eldest child attains the age of majority, whichever is later. The interest on the sum would be credited directly by the bank to the beneficiary’s savings account on a quarterly basis.

The scheme says that families of the victims would be eligible to get assistance under it even if they have received any other assistance, by way of payment of ex-gratia or any other type of relief from the government or any other source, except when a similar scheme is already being implemented by the central government.

“In addition, those permanently incapacitated, and the members of the family of the victims killed/permanently incapacitated in terrorist or communal violence would also be given a health card by the district health society, functioning under the National Rural Health Mission,” the statement added.

A district level committee, under the chairmanship of district magistrate, collector or deputy commissioner, would identify beneficiaries and verify their eligibility for assistance under the scheme.

The committee would, so far as possible, make its recommendation within a month of receiving claim for assistance.

The ministry would examine the case in terms of fulfilment of conditions for grant of assistance under the Scheme.