Home India News Colleges enforcing apex court orders on ragging: government

Colleges enforcing apex court orders on ragging: government


New Delhi : The central government Monday told the Supreme Court that all its directions to check ragging were being implemented in educational institutions across the country.

Additional Solicitor General Gopal Subramaniam told the bench of Justice Arijit Pasayat and Justice M.K. Sharma that all educational institutions had included the apex court’s anti-ragging directions in their prospectus given to students ahead of admission.

The law officer also said that as per the apex court directions, the educational institutions were taking prompt steps to expel or rusticate students found indulging in ragging.

Depending upon the gravity of the offence, the college authorities were also getting criminal cases registered against such students, he said.

The court had issued its directions July 17 and Dec 10 last year while adjudicating a bunch of public interest suits against ragging.

New students subject to ragging by their seniors undergo immense physical, mental and emotional trauma. In some cases, students have died or suffered injuries after being ragged.

The apex court issued the directions after accepting the recommendations of the R.K. Raghavan committee, which had been formed by the court to suggest measures to check ragging.

The court directed that the management of educational institutions should immediately lodge a First Information Report with the police against students found ragging. It also directed that students found guilty should be expelled.

The court directed all educational institutions to ban ragging and include a clause in their prospectus on the punishment that students would face if found guilty.

After the law officer told the court that its anti-ragging directions were being enforced, the apex court disposed off all the petitions related to the matter.