New Delhi : The Delhi High Court Thursday asked the St. Stephen’s College to appoint its full-time principal within eight weeks and directed Delhi University not to interfere in the process.
A bench headed by Chief Justice Ajit Prakash Shah was hearing a petition filed by the college, which contended that a clause in the Delhi University Act interferes with its right to choose its own principal.
Clause 7(2) of Ordinance XVIII says a six-member selection committee formed by the university will look into a college’s recommendations for the post of principal and finally approve one from that list.
St. Stephen’s has said this clause is “unconstitutional” when applied to a “minority educational institution” since Article 30(1) of the constitution grants every minority institution power to choose its own administrative head, the college’s counsel Romy Chacko argued.
On the other hand, the university said its role in a college’s selection process is essential to maintain “uniformity in educational standards”.
Ever since the controversial exit of Reverend Valson Thampu in March, St. Stephen’s has functioned under the guidance of pro tem administrator M. S. Frank.