By TCN News,
Damma: Saudi Arabia based India Fraternity Forum (IFF), has demanded the Indian Central Government to ensure equal rights to its entire citizen irrespective of caste, creed & religion. IFF also demanded immediate release of innocent Muslim youth kept behind bar without trial as illegal detainees & asked the government to stop witch hunt of educated Muslim youths by various security agencies.
The demand was made in a seminar titled “Challenges of Muslim Empowerment in Contemporary India” organized by IFF in Dammam at Nahada club. The seminar stressed the need of being united to defeat the fascist forces by joining hands to build the nation and march forward towards peace and prosperity. Muslims are the second largest community in India after Hindu with 13.4% of country’s population. During British rule, Indian Muslims played a leading & positive role in India’s struggle for independence.

Mr. Mirza Zaheer Beig a scientist & professor in the reputed King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals was the Chief Guest. Mr. Beig, in his speech, highlighted atrocities Muslims are facing today in India and stressed the importance of empowering Muslim community to achieve the goal of a truly developed India.
Mr. Mohamed Meraj of IFF delivered the main speech in the seminar. He highlighted the fact that real power of Indian state is its secularism and integration of all communities irrespective of their religions, beliefs and faiths in the nation building process is extremely necessary. Today, Muslims in India are the most down trodden community per an official report; lives in slums, marginalized in every sector of life, their constitutional rights of being an Indian citizen are denied.
Moreover, the Fascist forces trying to corner Muslims in the present modern society and portraying as traitors. Communal forces have infiltrated various in government machnieraies has managed to create a biased mindset. A large percentage of Indian Muslims are kept behind the bars, tortured, humiliated for no cause; no crime without even proper trial.

Mr. Mohammed Parvez of IFF specified in the concluding speech that IFF has organized this program, to call upon all Indian expat to consolidate and work together with secular minded people in order to restore India’s pride and to demand equal rights and justice as promised by the constitution.
More than 200 people attended the event. The seminar began with the recitation of Qira’th by Luqman Molvi. Mr. Abdul Hakim welcomed the gathering. Syed Mansoor Shah of King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals delivered complementary speech. Mr. Mohammed Amir presented the vote of thanks. The event was anchored by Mohammed Abdul Waheed. IFF volunteers facilitated the smooth conducting of the event.