By Staff Reporter
In a great honour for India and Kerala, four young Muslim research scholars from the state will address at the UN General Assembly hall in New York on July 21. Two of them, Abdul Gafoor K.T and Mansoor Pulloor, are alumni of Darul Huda Islamic University at Chemmad in Malappuram while Thiruvananthapuram native Muhammed Shareef is a research scholar from JNU and Palakkad native Ashham Saleel is a student at the Mahatma Gandhi University in Kottayam.

The four students won the United Nations sponsored international essay competition. ‘Many languages, One world’ conducted by the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish, the official languages of the UN.
Gafoor, a doctoral research scholar in Arabic linguistics at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) is a native of Ponmala in Malappuram district, while Mansoor is pursuing research in Arabic at Calicut University.

Gafoor told media persons that their speech would be on cultural understandings and role of government and non-governmental organisations in promoting multilingualism in India.
All the four winners from Kerala submitted their entrances in Arabic and their address will also be in the same language. They will also speak at the ‘Many languages One world’ Global Youth Forum to be hosted by the Northeastern University in Boston. The 60 selected winners of the contest are from 27 countries.
The research scholars will be also given an all-expense paid trip to Boston and New York City in addition to the opportunity to speak in the general assembly hall at the UN. They will present action plans related to UN’s 2030 agenda for sustainable development.