About Us

    Guiding statements

    I belong to two circles of equal size, but which are not concentric. One is India, and the other is the Muslim world.

    Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar

    I am a Muslim and profoundly conscious of the fact that I have inherited Islam's glorious tradition of the last fourteen hundred years. I am not prepared to lose even a small part of that legacy. The history and teachings of Islam, its arts and letters, its culture and civilization are part of my wealth and it is my duty to cherish and guard them. But, with all these feelings, I have another equally deep realization, born out of my life's experience which is strengthened and not hindered by the Islamic spirit. I am equally proud of the fact that I am an Indian, an essential part of the indivisible unity of the Indian nationhood, a vital factor in its total makeup, without which this noble edifice will remain incomplete.

    Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

    About Us

    In increasing commercialized media, TwoCircles.net (TCN) will be a voice of sanity. We will cover news from marginalized sections of India. Our main focus is on Indian Muslims but we will be covering and reporting whole range of issues affecting Indians, Muslims and International issues.

    Editorial Department

    Managing Editor: Kashif-ul-Huda [ ]

    News Editor: Mumtaz Falahi [[email protected]]

    Legal Advisor
    Advocate Dr. Badre Alam Khan, PhD in Law [[email protected]]

    Business Department

    Business Director: Majaz [[email protected]]

    Business Manager: Nehal Hasan [[email protected]]


    Technical Department

    Technical assistant: Mudassir Rizwan


    We are in cyber space around since 1997, here are some of the websites that we are responsible for: This site is part of the urdustan.com network. Websites in this network are :

    urdustan.com : the oldest Urdu website.

    u-hoo : Urdu websites directory.

    urdustan.net : a blog in English for Urdu language.

    kitaabghar.com: a free net library for Urdu books.

    indianmuslims.info: resource website for Indian Muslims.

    urducorner.com : bookshop for Urdu, English, and Hindi books from India and Pakistan.

    Contact Us

    PO Box 7790

    Jupiter, FL 33468


    Email: [[email protected]]

    Phone # 858-610-8738

    The photos that have appeared on the masthead of this site:

    : Shoe merchant in Hyderabad by tarkus44.

    : Khushboo Mirza.

    : by Christopher Chan.

    : A gujjar man offering namaz.

    : Sayeed Khan of MY India.

    : by Akshay Mahajan.

    : by Meanest Indian

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Editorial policy?

    We do not necessarily agree to everything that you will find on these pages. We publish articles that will look at an issue from many different perspective to empower our informed readers to draw their own conclusion.

    We will not publish articles that is racist, sexist or makes baseless allegation against a person or community.

    Financial backing

    We are not funded by any Government or Organization, we are helped by many individuals who support us financially, resource and time.


    We couldn't say it better than these words of James Brow :

    I make no claim, therefore, that my account is either comprehensive or objective, let alone that it is the authoritative and definitive account of what happened … Like all account it is partial, in the twin senses of being both incomplete and one-sided, and that partiality is inescapably mine. Nevertheless, while I cannot avoid imposing myself as a screen between the people … and the reader, I am consoled by the thought that without my intervention few people would ever hear their voices… at all.

    This is not because [they] are incapable of speaking for themselves. Far from it: they are as eloquent as anyone else. But inequalities in the distribution of power, wealth, and the technologies of communication virtually guarantee that, without the intervention of someone like myself, they would be heard only within a very narrow horizon.


    We have writers and contributors sitting in different corners of the world and therefore you will find different styles of language in our articles and stories. You will find US, UK, and Indian English on the pages of TwoCircles.net. We make no attempt to make it one standard, it is a reflection of our international readership and writers pool.

    Terms of Use

    Creative Commons License

    All articles and stories written by TwoCircles.net staff and freelancers are licensed under a
    Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.