Home Indian Muslim Iran, Algeria urge expansion of energy cooperation

Iran, Algeria urge expansion of energy cooperation


Algiers : Iran’s Minister of Energy Parviz Fattah here on Saturday said Iranian and Algerian leaders underscore further expansion of economic relations between the two nations.

Talking to reporters on the sidelines of his meeting with Algerian Minister of Water Resources, Abdelmalek Sellal, he called for greater efforts by the two sides to help bolster bilateral economic cooperation.

The Iranian minister said that during his meeting with Sellal, development of bilateral cooperation in the area of water and energy was stressed.

Certain Western states are not interested in cooperation among Muslim countries, Fattah said.

He further briefed the Algerian side on Iran’s valuable experiences in the areas of dam construction and energy network maintenance.

Fattah arrived here Saturday at the head of a high-ranking delegation to hold talks with Algerian officials.

During his three-day stay in Algeria, Fattah will confer with Algerian Prime Minister Abdelaziz Belkhadem and ministers of water resources, energy and mines.

In talks with Algerian officials Fattah will discuss grounds for mutual cooperation and ways to expand bilateral ties.

Exploring grounds for export of Iran’s technical and engineering services in the energy and water sectors to Algeria is among other objectives of the visit.