Supreme Leader calls for cultural works to advance general policy


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Tehran : Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said on Saturday that cultural development helps achieve objectives of the community.

In a meeting with members of the High Council for Cultural Revolution, the Supreme Leader said that Iranian nation has planned to build a developed society on the basis of justice, devotion, self-confidence, with reliance upon God’s blessings and spirit of self-sacrifice.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that cultural development will breathe new life into the society by helping people advance their goals.

“Public culture is effective in decision making of the government and even the individual and social behavior are important in the society, so cultural plans should be adopted in harmony with general policy making,” the Supreme Leader said.

The Supreme Leader emphasized the need for planning and timetable to remove the obstacles and achieve the objectives and said that the cultural programs should not be limited to merely theoretical debates.

“The High Council for Cultural Revolution is expected to prepare the ground for social justice and adequate individual and social behavior and promote belief in religion.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said that cultural planning is required to correct the consumption pattern and publicize interest in the domestic products, and promote the Islamic, Iranian and revolutionary symbols.

The Supreme Leader said that the works done in the field of cultural engineering are not enough and called for more efforts to be made in this respect.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that decisions of the hugh Council for Cultural Revolution are binding for all other organs of the governing system.

Prior to the Supreme Leader’s remarks, head of the High Council for Cultural Revolution President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad presented a report on performance of the body.

Ahmadinejad said that the High Council for Cultural Revolution has managed to promote the revolutionary literature and spirit of national solidarity and bravery.

He said that the body has restructured the cultural institutions compatible with the programs to be implemented.