Home Indian Muslim Barak, Palestinian PM, Blair hold talks in Jerusalem

Barak, Palestinian PM, Blair hold talks in Jerusalem

GAZA, Dec 13 (KUNA) — A tripartite meeting started Thursday morning grouping Israel’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Palestinian Premier Salam Fayyad and Quartet envoy Tony Blair, Radio Israel said.

The meeting which was held at King David Hotel in Jerusalem, precedes next week’s Conference of Donors for the Palestinians to be held in Paris.
It said the Israeli Minister would acquaint the Quartet envoy and the Palestinian Premier with the latest developments in Gaza especially in light of the relevant decision by the Israeli Security Cabinet.

On Wednesday, the Security Cabinet ruled out a wide scale military operation in Gaza to retaliate for the Palestinian rockets from the Strip on Israel. It only opted for continuation of air raids and limited-scale incursions.

The decision followed a report by the Israeli military that up to 970 rockets and more than 1,200 mortars were launched from the Strip on Israel since January. Up to 50 Israelis were killed or wounded