Home International EU leaders to sign historic “Lisbon treaty”

EU leaders to sign historic “Lisbon treaty”

BRUSSELS, Dec 13 (KUNA) — European Union (EU) leaders are meeting in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon, Thursday to sign a landmark treaty to ease the smooth functioning of the enlarged 27-member European bloc. The Lisbon treaty creates the post of a foreign policy chief to play a more effective global role and assigns a long-term EU president.
Currently the EU Presidency is rotated among member states every six months.
The treaty gives greater powers to the European Parliament and reduces the size of the European commission, the EU’s executive body.
It allows for easier decision-making by changing voting rules and curtails the power of a single member state to veto legislation.
The Lisbon treaty replaces the EU constitution which was rejected by French and Dutch voters two years ago. After the signing ceremony in Lisbon, EU leaders will fly to Brussels or their end of year summit on Friday.(